Camp Blue Ridge Blog

Prepare for Homesickness at Residential Summer Camp near Florida


There is only one bad thing about going away to summer camp, and that is missing home. Feeling homesick while away at residential summer camp near Florida is extremely common among children. Whether it’s your camper’s first summer away from home or fifth, Camp Blue Ridge has come up with a few tips to help prepare your son or daughter for feeling homesick at summer camp this year!
  1. Positive Thinking- As drop off day at summer camp gets closer, children may become anxious or feel uneasy about leaving home. These are completely normal feelings and happen to almost every camper. These feelings can be made worse if you instill some kind of fear or apprehension about your child leaving home and going away. If as a parent, you have any fear about your son or daughter leaving, avoid conveying these feelings to your child. If your child senses your anxiety, they will become even more against leaving. Talk to your son or daughter about all of the fun and exciting experiences they will have this summer rather than being away from you and home.
  2. Practice Makes Perfect (Kind Of)- Avoiding feeling homesick is impossible. But practicing and preparing for theses feelings is the next best thing. If you haven’t already, do a practice weekend away from home. Send your child to a family member or friend’s house and have them participate in a typical day at summer camp. Practice some of the summer camp activities that we offer to have your son or daughter feel more confident and confident in their abilities.
  3. Take a Tour- If you haven’t already gotten the chance to, go and visit the summer camp. Children will feel more comfortable going there if they know where all of the residential summer camp facilities and cabins are. Quite often, campers fear getting lost or not knowing where something is on campus, a tour is the perfect solution to this fear.
  4. Meet the Staff- Speaking with or meeting with a member of the summer camp staff is a great solution as well. You and your child can ask any questions and voice any concerns you might have about the upcoming summer. Plus, your child will now know someone once they get to summer camp!
Still looking for the best residential summer camp near Florida? Contact Camp Blue Ridge today at 706-746-5491 (summer) or 954-665-8686 (winter) to schedule a tour or for more information!